Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The last few days...

The last few days of the Challenge, have been pretty good! I have splurged on food a couple of times and still feel pretty good! The splurges were because I had to do something to get out of the house with the boys! One night, while daddy was gone, we went to Chick-fil-A for dinner. I know that seems like, HOLY COW, but I ate really good and followed everything really well the rest of the day. Yesterday we had a fun playdate at the Houston Zoo with the girls from church, so it was a little hard to eat healthy. Hot day + trying to keep food cold without room for a cooler = not a success. So we just had lunch there! It was a great time. And the last splurge was this morning, again in an attempt to get out of the house with the boys, we went to Snappy's. If my Katy friends don't know what that is, it is a really small town feeling cafe in Old Katy. It is so good and fairly cheap. So instead of having my regular order of french toast I had a Western Omelet. It was delicious. Now back to my diet...I hope. I have a friend coming into town and don't want to bore her with diets!!

For breakfast I have been having this awesome Egg and Cheese Scramble with a side of Applesauce. It is so easy and so delicious! Love this!

The last few days I have been having a pretty simple lunch. Even though my challenge offers many delicious meals to choose from, I have really taken a liking to the Peanut Butter Cocoa Protein Shake. It is super easy and delicious and enough to fill me up until snack time! I'm sure I will get sick of it here pretty soon and then it will be time to switch it up again. Until then...I love that shake!

And dinner, I have had some pretty awesome dinners!! The first being Teriyaki ( probably spelled wrong) Chicken Roll ups. Chicken Parmesan with Rice and a side of Zucchini. also so delish! The list goes on...it is all amazing!

I am still loving the diet, I just had a few wrenches in the challenge a couple of the days!

Until next time...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lunch day 1

Lunch today was great! Chicken Salad and a whole pear. It seemed to fill me up pretty good! I never knew how filling a pear could be. Maybe that's because it is so crunchy, therefore making it a little harder to eat.

Lunch menu:

1/3 cup cubed chicken
1 hard boiled egg
4 cherry tomatoes 
1/3 cucumber sliced 
1 1/2 tbsp fat free ranch dressing
2 1/2 cups romaine lettuce
1 whole pear

Like I said, lunch was really good (so good that my two year old would rather have salad than his own lunch) but very time consuming. I know that once I have everything a little more prepared, like having the eggs already boiled and the lettuce chopped, that things wont take as long. I have decided that I will keep cooked chicken on hand versus cooking it before the meal is prepared. I can see how not having most things prepared would be tiring and make someone give up...NOT going to happen this time! 

Today, God willing, we will make it to the gym! Cooper is still a two napper and Camden is convinced he doesn't need one, so we will see if we can make it there! Wish us luck!

Thanks for checking in on my posts, because again, I know they are boring!


Today is the day!

Today is the day that I started the/my Fit Mom Challenge! It is about 10:40 a.m. and I am feeling a tad bit hungry, but I assume that is because I ate breakfast early this morning. Maybe I should start eating around 8 instead of 6:30...

Here is what Breakfast consisted of:

1/3 cup egg whites
1/4 avocado 
2.5 tbsp fresh part skim mozzarella
1 slice turkey bacon
1 low car barb tortilla
1/4 cup sliced strawberries

Put all the ingredients into the warmed tortilla and enjoyed with my fresh sliced strawberries!

I was a little hesitant about trying it because I am not a big fan of some of the ingredients, but it turned out to be really good! The avocado was really delicious inside the tortilla and gave the egg whites more flavor! 

I have already had 2 of the servings of water recommended daily. 6 more to go! 

This seems kind of random but this is what it will take to keep me accountable...posting it for all of you to see! :) 

I've gotta run for now, I smell my chicken boiling downstairs! 

Until Lunch,


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Grocery shopping for my health

Steven and I went to the grocery store this evening...okay we went to two! I like the prices at the dreadful Wal-Mart, but I like the fresh produce at Randall's better. Who would have thought that getting on the right track to healthy living would be so expensive? It never ceases to amaze me how much food you have to replace when you start a new diet/lifestyle. However, I am convinced and praying that this won't be something I give up. This challenge is amazing!! They give you everything you need to be successful on your journey. All you have to do...DO IT! So off to the grocery store we went! I cant wait to start our new ways of eating tomorrow. They say the first 7 days is a fat detox. Oh my, we will see how I do! 

Wish me luck,

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Journey Begins!

So my husband and I, for countless weeks, have been looking in the mirror saying, "We have got to do something about this" as we grab our "love handles". Searching the internet on various sites gets so boring and tiring, because, lets face it, there are so many sites that claim to have the answer to healthy living.

Well, after weeks of searching, I have found the site (for me)! It is called, Fit Moms Fit Kids Club! Basically you go to their site (fitmomsfitkidsclub.com) and take the FREE pledge and they send you a downloadable 21 day challenge that you can print for free. It includes an entire 12 week diet and exercise plan.

One of the things it encourages you to do is to write a blog every week about your progress, fears, aspirations, encouragement, etc. So here it goes..

As I sit here drinking my Dr. Pepper, I realize just how much I really like the taste. How much I am really going to miss it when I have to stop drinking it. I don't know what it is about the sweet, tasty soft drink, but ever since I had Cooper, all I have wanted was Dr. P and chocolate. Horrible combination, so not together of course, but one or the other, ALL the time. So my first fear is that I wont be able to control myself when I see the soda. I have tried the diet version and just cant hack it, so therefore it may be that I just have to give up soda all together, which I know that ultimately that is my/the goal. I don't WANT to crave soda, or in that case even like the taste. The second fear is that I won't be good at exercising or dieting and give up on both like I always have. I cannot do that this time. One of the things I have really had to accept is that it wont happen over night. I cannot get skinny or in good shape in a week or even a month...it takes hard work and dedication, so I have to learn to keep pushing through even on the bad days. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!

On the a more positive note! I really do want to be able to stand in the mirror (without clothes on) and like what I see. I have never liked what I saw and therefore have always had pretty low confidence in the way that I look. Even though my husband tells me on a daily basis how beautiful I am and how much he loves me, I still have a dream that one day he will be able to have that fit wife! I cant wait to be able to say, "I am in the best shape of my life!"  Day 1 starts tomorrow!

And my journey begins!