Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Grocery shopping for my health

Steven and I went to the grocery store this evening...okay we went to two! I like the prices at the dreadful Wal-Mart, but I like the fresh produce at Randall's better. Who would have thought that getting on the right track to healthy living would be so expensive? It never ceases to amaze me how much food you have to replace when you start a new diet/lifestyle. However, I am convinced and praying that this won't be something I give up. This challenge is amazing!! They give you everything you need to be successful on your journey. All you have to do...DO IT! So off to the grocery store we went! I cant wait to start our new ways of eating tomorrow. They say the first 7 days is a fat detox. Oh my, we will see how I do! 

Wish me luck,


  1. So excited for you on this new journey. I'm in the process of trying to lose 30lbs and it's hard. I agree, why is that you spend so much money on fresh fruits, veggies and lean meat, but it costs $5 for a complete meal through fast food. Frustrating! I can't wait to hear about your journey.

  2. You are absolutely right...Healthy is EXPENSIVE! And people wonder why America has rising weight related issues. I read your blogs earlier on your journey and you inspired me, not only because you seem to be doing so well, but also because they thoughts that run through your head are the same that run through mine. I have to convince myself everyday to make it to the gym...some days my mind gets the best of me and I don't go. So I am so glad that I found your blog to keep me going! I cant wait to hear about your journey as well!
