Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The last few days...

The last few days of the Challenge, have been pretty good! I have splurged on food a couple of times and still feel pretty good! The splurges were because I had to do something to get out of the house with the boys! One night, while daddy was gone, we went to Chick-fil-A for dinner. I know that seems like, HOLY COW, but I ate really good and followed everything really well the rest of the day. Yesterday we had a fun playdate at the Houston Zoo with the girls from church, so it was a little hard to eat healthy. Hot day + trying to keep food cold without room for a cooler = not a success. So we just had lunch there! It was a great time. And the last splurge was this morning, again in an attempt to get out of the house with the boys, we went to Snappy's. If my Katy friends don't know what that is, it is a really small town feeling cafe in Old Katy. It is so good and fairly cheap. So instead of having my regular order of french toast I had a Western Omelet. It was delicious. Now back to my diet...I hope. I have a friend coming into town and don't want to bore her with diets!!

For breakfast I have been having this awesome Egg and Cheese Scramble with a side of Applesauce. It is so easy and so delicious! Love this!

The last few days I have been having a pretty simple lunch. Even though my challenge offers many delicious meals to choose from, I have really taken a liking to the Peanut Butter Cocoa Protein Shake. It is super easy and delicious and enough to fill me up until snack time! I'm sure I will get sick of it here pretty soon and then it will be time to switch it up again. Until then...I love that shake!

And dinner, I have had some pretty awesome dinners!! The first being Teriyaki ( probably spelled wrong) Chicken Roll ups. Chicken Parmesan with Rice and a side of Zucchini. also so delish! The list goes on...it is all amazing!

I am still loving the diet, I just had a few wrenches in the challenge a couple of the days!

Until next time...

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